Thursday, December 31, 2015

My Gluten-Free Vegan Haven Allergy Management Guide 101 (Malaysia)

Food allergies have been on the rise for the past 30 years.  For many sufferers, it's more than an inconvenience and a discomfort --- it's a problem.  Food allergies can begin at any age and can affect anyone of any race and ethnicity.  Some can be lifelong and unfortunately, there is no cure for food allergies.  Whatever the causes, allergies are part of our lives and they affect the way we live.  Life doesn't have to become unbearable, just manageable.

Foods Commonly Associated With Food Allergy:

-Tree nuts

Milk, egg, soy and wheat allergies eventually may be outgrown.
However, peanut and tree nut allergies, fish and shellfish allergies tend to be lifelong.

What is the difference between food intolerance and food allergy?
Food intolerance refers to the body's reaction to food that doesn't involve the immune system.  It tends to have multiple causes and multiple symptoms and more difficult to diagnose.
Food allergy is the result of the body's immune system over-reacting to a substance that is normally harmless.  Reactions occur within minutes of exposure to food.  The most serious reactions (known as anaphylaxis) occur very quickly and have symptoms widespread within the body.


Don't despair!
The solution is learning to manage your life in spite of the allergies.
Early recognition, diagnosis and management & strict avoidance of the food allergens are crucial measures to control the allergies and to prevent serious health problems.  Family support is necessary as well.  But the most important tools in allergy management are education and research.  As a sufferer and a family member, keep yourself informed at all times!

For food ideas and everything & anything else in between:
Contact the Gluten-Free Vegan Baker @
The Gluten-Free Vegan Baker is based in Malaysia.

Monday, November 30, 2015

My Gluten-Free Vegan Haven Essential Allergy Guide 101 Part 3 (Malaysia)

If you're suffering from certain food allergies, intolerance or sensitivities, here is a comprehensive list of foods to avoid.

Foods To Avoid On A Nut-Free Diet:
-All nuts
-All products that contain nuts:
peanut butter
almond butter
cashew butter
hazelnut butter/spread (Nutella, etc.)
cream (cashew cream, etc.)
milk (cashew milk, almond milk, etc.)
flour (peanut flour, almond meal, etc.)
bake mixes
oil (peanut oil, etc.)
baked goods and pastries
cookies, biscuits and crackers
peanut brittle
cereals and cereal bars
granola bars, fruit bars and energy bars
frozen desserts (ice cream, etc.)
creamed soups
sauce (peanut sauce, etc.)
Middle Eastern desserts

Foods To Avoid On A Sesame-Free Diet:
-Sesame seeds
-All products that contain sesame:
sesame oil
dips and spreads
butter and margarine
sauces (stir-fry sauce, curry sauce, etc.)
salad dressings and chutneys
baked goods (bagels, pretzels, bread, burger buns, etc.)
cookies, crackers and biscuits
confection bars
granola and protein bars
food that contain sesame garnishes
processed meat
Middle Eastern food

For food ideas and everything & anything else in between:
Contact the Gluten-Free Vegan Baker @
The Gluten-Free Vegan Baker is based in Malaysia.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

My Gluten-Free Vegan Haven Essential Allergy Guide 101 Part 2 (Malaysia)

If you're suffering from certain food allergies, intolerance or sensitivities, here is a comprehensive list of foods to avoid.

Foods To Avoid On An Egg-Free Diet:
-Eggs (fried, boiled, poached, baked, scrambled, omelet/omelette, etc.)
-All products that contain eggs:
baked goods (cakes, pastries, biscuits, cookies, bread, buns, rolls, etc.)
puddings, custards and mousses
icing and marzipan
sauces and condiments
stock cubes
pasta and noodles that are made from eggs
ice cream and sorbets
sausages, burgers, meat balls and fish fingers
chocolate confectionery
kaya spread (Malaysian coconut jam spread)
tempura and anything made in/from batter

Foods To Avoid On A Soy-Free Diet:
-Soy beans
-All products that contain soy:
soy milk
soy-derived meat alternatives
soya oil
foods that contain soy protein
foods that contain soya lecithin
pancake and waffle mixes
butter and margarine
ice cream
noodles and pasta
canned soup
gravy and sauces
processed meat products
sauces (soy sauce, tamari sauce, etc.)
baked goods (cakes, bread, biscuits, crackers, etc.)
chocolate (regular chocolate, chocolate syrup, baking chocolate, etc.)

For food ideas and everything & anything else in between:
Contact the Gluten-Free Vegan Baker @
The Gluten-Free Vegan Baker is based in Malaysia.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

My Gluten-Free Vegan Haven Essential Allergy Guide 101 Part 1 (Malaysia)

If you're suffering from certain food allergies, intolerance or sensitivities, here is a comprehensive list of foods to avoid.

Foods To Avoid On A Gluten-Free Diet:
-Wheat, Durum, Farro, Graham, Semolina, Rye, Spelt, Barley, Kamut, Triticale, Bulgur Wheat, Bran
-All products that contain the above grains:
flours (cake/brownie mixes, seasoned/spicy flours, etc.)
baked goods (bread, cakes, cupcakes, brownies, muffins, cookies, donuts, pies, waffles, pretzels, etc.)
bread crumbs and croutons
crackers and biscuits
potato chips
pasta and noodles
tortilla wraps
canned meat and processed meat
gravies, marinades and dressings
soy sauce
teriyaki and barbecue sauces
textured vegetable protein
soup bases and creamed soups
food starch
some medication and herbal supplements
beer, ale, malt and brewer's yeast

Foods To Avoid On A Dairy/Casein-Free Diet:
-All milk derived from cows, sheep & goats
-All dairy products derived from the milk of the above animals:
probiotic drinks (Yakult, etc.)
custard, pudding and creamy desserts
ice cream and sherbet
whipped toppings
bottled dressings
pasta sauces
creamed soups and vegetables
sauces and gravies
chocolate (sweet/white/milk, semisweet, chips, baking chocolate, sprinkles, etc.)
baked goods (bread, cakes, cupcakes, cookies, etc.)
biscuits, crackers, etc.

For food ideas and everything & anything else in between:
Contact the Gluten-Free Vegan Baker @
The Gluten-Free Vegan Baker is based in Malaysia.

Monday, August 31, 2015

My Gluten-Free Vegan Haven Essential Food Product Guide 101 (Malaysia)

It's easy to enjoy any meal or celebrate any fuss-free holiday with a well-stacked gluten-free vegan pantry!

Here's a simple but essential list of gluten-free, soy-free, nut-free vegan products and substitutes recommended by The Gluten-Free Vegan Baker.  This is an easy reference for anyone who plans to go gluten-free vegan for a lifetime or just any curious eater who wants to try a gluten-free vegan diet for a day.

Chocolate - 100% Unsweetened/Pure Cocoa Powder; Non-Dairy Chocolate or Dark Chocolate; HERSHEY'S COCOA POWDER & CHOCOLATE SYRUP
Egg Substitutes - Applesauce; Chia Seeds; ORGRAN NO EGG
Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free Flours - BOB'S RED MILL
Gluten-Free Vegan Flours - ORGRAN; BETTY CROCKER
Non-Dairy Butter - NUTTELEX
Non-Dairy Cheese - GO VEGGIE!; TOFUTTI
Oil & Shortening - Vegetable Oil
Starches & Thickeners - Agar-Agar; Potato Starch
Sugar & Sweeteners - Agave Nectar; Unrefined/Organic Raw Cane Sugar; Coconut Palm Sugar; Maple Syrup; Fruit Puree

One doesn't need to be vegan or gluten-free to appreciate these products!!!

The above brands (in bold letters) are trustworthy brands and are safe from gluten contamination. 

There are a few local brands that work just as great as those above.
Gluten-free products from ecoBrown's are available everywhere in Malaysia and are highly recommended by The Gluten-Free Vegan Baker!

Any eater can benefit from meals that use really good quality products --- local or imported!  It's important to find local products that work for you, your budget and most importantly, your health!

For food ideas and everything & anything else in between:
Contact the Gluten-Free Vegan Baker @
The Gluten-Free Vegan Baker is based in Malaysia.

Friday, July 31, 2015

My Gluten-Free Vegan Haven Essential Travel Guide 101 (Malaysia)

Traveling abroad is a very popular activity for many people all over the world.  Traveling with food allergies and diet restrictions, however, can pose many challenges that can ruin the thrill and the excitement of the trip.  But don't let it stop you from traveling.  With many years of travel experience, the Gluten-Free Vegan Baker has prepared a simple checklist to help reduce stress for vegan travelers and allergy sufferers.  Traveling doesn't have to be a problem anymore.

Remember, if you're a vegan at home, you bring your vegan diet with you.  If you're have food allergies or food restrictions, you bring them with you when you travel..   

Here is a simple travel checklist to remember:

Read about the country's healthcare including regulations about prescription medicines.  If you're a vegan, read about vegan restaurants and stores and take note of them.  Write everything that's important to your diet or allergy and refer to that list.. You might go to one or more of them when you need to eat.  Read thoroughly.  Contact restaurants or hotels by email or phone to confirm the information you've collected.  Never assume anything. 

Language barriers can be extremely problematic especially when you have food restrictions or allergies.  Write down important words on a piece of paper and refer to that paper when ordering at a restaurant or food stall/truck or buying food at the supermarket.  Oftentimes, that piece of paper will serve your purpose faster than a smartphone.  Smartphones might not help you if you're on an isolated island or enclosed place like an elevator or basement.  Use My Gluten-Free Haven Travel Phrasebook 101 for keywords that you might need when the situation calls for it. 

Carry your medication with you at all times and bring back-up medication always.  Extra medication comes in handy especially for missed flights or lost luggage.  Your medication should be more important than your smartphone.

An identification card that clearly states your allergies and allergy treatment will be very helpful especially when you begin having severe allergy attack and talking becomes nearly impossible.  You can make your own card and put a translation on it.  If you have allergy wristbands, always wear them.

There's nothing that restaurants hate more than food being returned to the kitchen and thrown away just because you didn't give clear information.  Be concise.  Translate properly and clearly.

Snacks based on your diet become handy when waiting at airports, outside museums or bus stations.  Keep them in your purse or back pack together with your medication.
When you go to food tasting events or malls where food samples are offered, think twice before eating.  If you don't know what the food is, you can refuse.  Refuse politely, apologize and leave.  You don't have to stick around and hear the locals insult you in their language.

Whatever travel checklist you follow, at the end of the day you're responsible for your health, not your companions.  Be cautious whenever you eat.  Be responsible.

For food ideas and everything & anything else in between:
Contact the Gluten-Free Vegan Baker @
The Gluten-Free Vegan Baker is based in Malaysia.


Tuesday, June 30, 2015

My Gluten-Free Vegan Haven Travel Phrasebook 101 Part 5 (Essential Words You Can Use In Africa)

For a delightful worry-free trip abroad, always arm yourself with an arsenal of essential words.  Trust me... you'll think twice before leaving home without them.

When traveling to Africa, you might find these words useful:

bread – mkate  (mm kah the)
celiac – shida ya tumbo  (she dah yah too m’boh)
cheese – jibini  (jee bee nee)
dairy – maziwa  (mah zee wah)
egg – mayai  (mah yah ee)
fish – samaki  (sah mah keeh)
gluten-free – isiyo na gluteni  (ee see yoh nah gloo teh nee)
I am vegan – I ni mboga  (ee nee mm boh gah)
I am vegetarian – I ni mboga  (ee nee mm boh gah)
I don't eat… – Mimi si kula…  (mee mee see kooh lah)
kosher – kosha  (koh shah)
meat – nyama  (nyah mah)
milk – maziwa  (mah zee wah)
nut – njugu  (nn joo goo)
organic – iliyokuzwa  (ee lee yoh kuh zwa)
soy sauce – mchuzi wa soya  (mm choo zih wah soh yah)
sugar – sukari  (soo kah ree)
vegetable – mboga  (mm boh gah)
wheat – ngano  (nn gah noh)

(some information was taken from

For food ideas and everything & anything else in between:
Contact the Gluten-Free Vegan Baker @
The Gluten-Free Vegan Baker is based in Malaysia.


Sunday, May 31, 2015

My Gluten-Free Vegan Haven Travel Phrasebook 101 Part 4 (Essential Words You Can Use In Europe)

For a delightful worry-free trip abroad, always arm yourself with an arsenal of essential words.  Trust me... you'll think twice before leaving home without them.

When traveling to Austria, Germany and German-speaking countries, you might find these words useful:

bread – brot  (broht)
celiac – zöliakie  (zoo lee ah kee)
cheese – käse  (kay zeh)
dairy – molkerei  (moll ker ī)
eggs – eier  (ī uh)
fish – fisch  (fish)
gluten-free – gluten frei  (gloo ten fry)
I am vegan – Ich bin vegan  (iHk bin veh gahn ah)
I am vegetarian – Ich bin vegetarier  (iHk bin veh geht ah ree ah)
I don't eat… – Ich esse kein…  (iHk ess in kīyn)
kosher – koscher  (kosher)
meat – fleisch  (fly sh)
milk – milch  (meelsh)
nuts – nüsse  (noo seh)
organic – biologisch  (bee oh loh gish)
sugar – zucker  (soo kur)
vegetable - gemüse  (guh moo zuh)
wheat – weizen  (vyt zen)

When traveling to Belgium, France and French-speaking countries, you might find these words useful:

bread – pain  (pah)
celiac – coeliaque  (seal ee ack)
cheese – fromage  (frow mahj)
dairy – laitiers  (let ee ay)
eggs – œufs  (oof)
fish – poisson  (pwah soh)
gluten-free – sans gluten  (sahn gloo ten)
I am vegan – Je suis végétalien  (jhuh soo vee jhuh tall ee in)
I am vegetarian – Je suis végétarien  (jhuh soo vee jhuh tear ee in)
I don't eat… – Je ne mange pas du  (jheh nuh mahn jhuh pah doo)
kosher – kascher  (kaa shair)
meat – viande  (vee ahnd)
milk – lait  (lay)
nut – noix  (no ah)
organic – bio  (byoh)
sugar – sucre  (sook)
vegetable – légume  (lay goom)
wheat – blé  (blee)

When traveling to the Czech Republic, you might find these words useful:

bread – chléb  (kchleb)
celiac – celiac  (say lee ack)
cheese – syr  (seer)
dairy – mléčné  (mleh chnay)
egg – vejce  (vay suh)
fish – ryba  (reer bah)
gluten-free – bez lepek  (bez leh pek)
I am vegan – Jsem vegan  (sem vee gehn)
I am vegetarian – Jsem vegetarián  (sem veg eh tar ee ahn)
I don't eat… – Nejím…  (nay eem)
kosher – košer  (koe sher uh)
meat – maslo  (mah sloh)
milk – mleko  (mle ko)
nut – ořechy  (oo zreh khee)
organic – organický  (or gan its kee)
sugar – cukr  (soo krr)
vegetable – zeleninový  (zeh leh nee noh vee)
wheat – pšenice  (pscheh neet say)

When traveling to Italy, you might find these words useful:

bread – pane  (pah nay)
celiac – celiaco  (chel ee ah koe)
cheese – formaggio  (for maj yo)
dairy – latticini  (lah tee chee nee)
eggs – uova  (oo oh vah)
fish – pesce  (peh she)
gluten-free – senza glutine  (senza glue teen eh)
I am vegan – Sono vegano/a  (vee gah no)
I am vegetarian – Sono vegetariano/a  (veh juh tear ee ah no)
I don't eat… – Non mangio…  (noan mahn jee oh)
kosher – kosher  (koe sair)
meat – carne  (car nay)
milk – latte  (lah tay)
nuts – noci  (no chay)
organic – organico  (organ ee' koh)
sugar – zucchero  (zoo kair oh)
vegetable – vegetale  (veh jeh tah le)
wheat – grano  (grah no)

When traveling to Portugal, you might find these words useful:

bread – pão  (pa-oo)
celiac – doença celíaca  (do-en sa se lee-aa kah)
cheese – queijo  (kay zhoo)
dairy – latícinios  (lah chee see nee-oos)
egg – ovo  (oh voo)
fish – peixe  (peh she)
gluten-free – sem glúten  (sehm gloo tehn)
I am vegan – Eu sou vegano/a  (e-oo sow ve gah noo/ah)
I am vegetarian – Eu sou vegetariano/a  (e-oo sow ve geh tar ee-ah noo/ah)
I don't eat… – Não posso comer…  (nah-oo poh soo koh mehr…)
kosher – alimentos kosher  (ah lee men toos koh sher)
meat – carne  (kah nee)
milk – leite  (lay chee)
nuts – nozes  (no zehs)
organic – orgânico/a  (ohr gaan ee koo/ah)
sugar – açúcar  (ah soo cahr)
vegetable – vegetal (veh jeh tahl)
wheat – trigo  (tree goo)

When traveling to Russia, you might find these words useful:

bread – hleb  (hlyep)
celiac – tseliakiya  (tseh lee ah kee ya)
cheese – syr  (syr)
dairy – molochnye produkti  (mah loh chny ye prah doo kty)
eggs – yayca  (yay tsah)
fish  – riba (ri bah)
gluten-free – bez glyutina  (byes glyu tee nah)
I am vegan – Ya strogiy vegetarianets / strogaya vegetariaka
(Ya stroh geey vye gye tah ree ah nyets / stroh gye vye gye tah ree hn ka)
I am vegetarian – Ya vegetarianets / vegetarianka
(Ya vye gye tah ree ah nyets / vye gye tah ree hn ka)
I don't eat… – Ya ne yem…  (Ya nye yem...)
kosher – koshernaya pishcha  (kah sheh rnah ya pee shchah)
meat – myaso  (mya soh)
milk – moloko  (mah lah koh)
nuts – orehi  (ah rye hee)
organic – oranicheskaia eda  (ahr gah nee che skah ay da)
sugar – sahar  (sah hahr)
vegetable  –  ovoshch (oh vosh)
wheat – pshenitsa  (psheh nee tsah)

When traveling to Spain, you might find these words useful:

bread – pan  (pahn)
celiac – celíaco  (sell ee' ah koe)
cheese – queso  (kay sō)
dairy – productos lácteos  (pro dook' tōs lack' tee ohs)
eggs – heuvos  (way vōs)
fish – pescado (pes kah do)
gluten-free – sin gluten  (seen gloo tin)
I am vegan – Soy vegano  (soy vay gah no)
I am vegetarian – Soy vegetariano  (soy vej eh tair ee ahn oh)
I don't eat… – Yo no como…  (yo no koe moe…)
kosher – kosher  (koe shair)
meat – carne  (car nay)
milk – leche  (leh chay)
nuts – nueces  (noo ay sehs)
organic – orgánico  (or gah' nee koe)
sugar – azúcar  (ah zoo' car)
vegetable – vegetal  (beh he tahl)
wheat – trigo  (tree go)

When traveling to Turkey, you might find these words useful:

bread – ekmek  (ake mek)
celiac – colyak  (johl' yahk)
cheese – peynir  (pay neer)
dairy – mandıra  (mahn dure uh)
egg – yumurta  (yoo' mur tah)
fish – balik  (boh lihk)
gluten-free – glutensiz  (gloo tahn' siz)
I am vegan – Ben bir vegan  (beer vee gahn)
I am vegetarian – Ben vejeteryanım  (ben vej eh tare ee ahn um)
I don't eat… – … Yemem…  (yee' mom)
kosher – koşer  (kosher)
meat – eti  (et eh)
milk – süt  (soot)
nuts – fıstığı  (fist uh')
organic – organik  (or gahn ik')
sugar – şeker  (shay' car)
vegetable – sebze  (seb zeh)
wheat – bugday  (boo dye)

(some information was taken from


For food ideas and everything & anything else in between:
Contact the Gluten-Free Vegan Baker @
The Gluten-Free Vegan Baker is based in Malaysia.


Thursday, April 30, 2015

My Gluten-Free Vegan Haven Travel Phrasebook 101 Part 3 (Essential Words You Can Use In Japan & Korea)

For a delightful worry-free trip abroad, always arm yourself with an arsenal of essential words.  Trust me... you'll think twice before leaving home without them.

When traveling to Japan, you might find these words useful:

bread – Pan  (Pan)
celiac – Searikku  (Ceh Ree Ack)
cheese – Chīzu  (Chee Zoo)
dairy – Nyuu Seihin  (Nyoo Sei Hin)
egg – Tamago  (Tah Mah Goh)
fish – Sakana  (Sah Kah Nah)
gluten-free – Guruten Furī  (Goo Roo Tenh Foo Ree)
I am vegan – Watashi Ha Bīgan Desu  (Wah Tah Shee Wah Bee Gan Dess)
I am vegetarian – Watashi Ha Bejitarian Desu  (Wah Tah Shee Wah Beh Jee Tah Rian Dess)
I don't eat… – Watashi Ha … Wo Tabemasen  (Wah Tah Shee Wah … Woh Tah Beh Mah Senn)
kosher – Kōshā  (Kow Shaah)
meat – Niku  (Nee Kuu)
milk – Gyuunyuu  (Gyoo Nyoo)
nuts – Nattsu  (Nah Ttsu)
organic – Ōganikku  (Ooh Gah Nick)
soy sauce – Shōyu  (Shoh Yu’)
sugar – Satou  (Sah Tow)
vegetable – Yasai  (Yah Sai)
wheat – Komugi  (Koh Moo Gee)

When traveling to Korea, you might find these words useful:

bread – Ppang  (Bbang)
celiac – Selliak Byeong  (Celiac Byung)
cheese – Chijeu  (Chi Je)
dairy – Yujepum  (Yoo Je Poom)
egg – Dalgyal  (Dahl Gyal)
fish – Mulgogi  (Mool Go Gi)
gluten-free – Geulluten Peuri  (Goo Loo Ten Mool Yo)
I am vegan – Jeoneun Bigeonipnida  (Juh Neun Vegan Im Ni Da)
I am vegetarian – Jeoneun Chaesikjuuijaipnida  (Juh Neun Chae Shik Joo Ee Ja Im Ni Da.)
I don't eat… – Jeoneun …Reul Meokji Anhseupnida  (Juh Neun …Reul Muk Ji Ahn Sum Ni Da)
kosher – Kosyeo  (Kosher)
meat – Gogi  (Go Gi)
milk – Uyu  (Ooh Yoo)
nuts – Gyeongwaryu  (Gyun Gwa Ryoo)
organic – Yuginong  (Yoo Gi Nong)
soy sauce – Ganjang  (Gahn Jahng)
sugar – Seoltang  (Sul Tang)
vegetable – Yachae  (Yah Che)
wheat – Mil  (Mil)

(some information was taken from

 For food ideas and everything & anything else in between:
Contact the Gluten-Free Vegan Baker @
The Gluten-Free Vegan Baker is based in Malaysia.