Tuesday, June 30, 2015

My Gluten-Free Vegan Haven Travel Phrasebook 101 Part 5 (Essential Words You Can Use In Africa)

For a delightful worry-free trip abroad, always arm yourself with an arsenal of essential words.  Trust me... you'll think twice before leaving home without them.

When traveling to Africa, you might find these words useful:

bread – mkate  (mm kah the)
celiac – shida ya tumbo  (she dah yah too m’boh)
cheese – jibini  (jee bee nee)
dairy – maziwa  (mah zee wah)
egg – mayai  (mah yah ee)
fish – samaki  (sah mah keeh)
gluten-free – isiyo na gluteni  (ee see yoh nah gloo teh nee)
I am vegan – I ni mboga  (ee nee mm boh gah)
I am vegetarian – I ni mboga  (ee nee mm boh gah)
I don't eat… – Mimi si kula…  (mee mee see kooh lah)
kosher – kosha  (koh shah)
meat – nyama  (nyah mah)
milk – maziwa  (mah zee wah)
nut – njugu  (nn joo goo)
organic – iliyokuzwa  (ee lee yoh kuh zwa)
soy sauce – mchuzi wa soya  (mm choo zih wah soh yah)
sugar – sukari  (soo kah ree)
vegetable – mboga  (mm boh gah)
wheat – ngano  (nn gah noh)

(some information was taken from www.speaksheets.com)

For food ideas and everything & anything else in between:
Contact the Gluten-Free Vegan Baker @ myglutenfreeveganhaven@yahoo.com.
The Gluten-Free Vegan Baker is based in Malaysia.