If you're suffering from certain food allergies, intolerance or sensitivities, here is a comprehensive list of foods to avoid.
Foods To Avoid On A Gluten-Free Diet:
-Wheat, Durum, Farro, Graham, Semolina, Rye, Spelt, Barley, Kamut, Triticale, Bulgur Wheat, Bran
-All products that contain the above grains:
flours (cake/brownie mixes, seasoned/spicy flours, etc.)
baked goods (bread, cakes, cupcakes, brownies, muffins, cookies, donuts, pies, waffles, pretzels, etc.)
bread crumbs and croutons

crackers and biscuits
potato chips
pasta and noodles
tortilla wraps
canned meat and processed meat
gravies, marinades and dressings
soy sauce
teriyaki and barbecue sauces
textured vegetable protein
food starch
some medication and herbal supplements
beer, ale, malt and brewer's yeast
Foods To Avoid On A Dairy/Casein-Free Diet:
-All milk derived from cows, sheep & goats
-All dairy products derived from the milk of the above animals:

probiotic drinks (Yakult, etc.)
custard, pudding and creamy desserts
ice cream and sherbet
whipped toppings
bottled dressings
pasta sauces
creamed soups and vegetables
sauces and gravies
chocolate (sweet/white/milk, semisweet, chips, baking chocolate, sprinkles, etc.)
baked goods (bread, cakes, cupcakes, cookies, etc.)
biscuits, crackers, etc.
For food ideas and everything & anything else in between:
Contact the Gluten-Free Vegan Baker @ myglutenfreeveganhaven@yahoo.com.
The Gluten-Free Vegan Baker is based in Malaysia.