Thursday, November 30, 2017

Gluten-Free Vegan 101 - Gluten-Free Vegan Brownies, Gluten-Free Vegan Cupcakes, Gluten-Free Vegan Muffins (Malaysia)

Gluten-Free Vegan 101 (Malaysia)

Can you imagine a world without chocolate?  Think of all the wonderful moments of your life that you spent with it, around it...  Chocolate is one of those things that just makes sense in life and yet you never know what you're gonna get!  That's what Forrest Gump said his mama told him.  It's somewhat mysterious & yet everyone loves it and it's practically everywhere.

As a food which is produced in many variations, chocolate actually comes from cocoa bean or cacao bean which is naturally gluten-free vegan.  Dark chocolate is a superfood that is loaded with health benefits like lowering of blood pressure & cholesterol levels and it's a good source of rich antioxidants.  For the bona fide gluten-free vegans of the world, there is only one way to truly enjoy this sweet pleasure and that is the gluten-free vegan way!  Chocolate has been a favorite ingredient in many traditional chocolate recipes like cupcakes, brownies & muffins which everyone loves.  With simple changes & substitutions in these classic recipes, everyone will have their moment of comfort & joy while enjoying their gluten-free vegan chocolate treats.  Gluten-free vegan chocolate cupcakes, brownies & muffins can be wholesomely delicious, nutritious & definitely safe to eat and enjoy.   With a bit more effort & energy invested in nutritious meal planning, gluten-free vegans & eaters of all kinds of diets & from all places including Malaysia will benefit from food that is well-planned & well-crafted.

There's a gluten-free vegan way around every food --- that is Gluten-Free Vegan 101!

 Gluten-Free Vegan Chocolate Cupcakes

 Gluten-Free Vegan Chocolate Brownies

Gluten-Free Vegan Chocolate Muffins

Try the gluten-free vegan chocolate cupcakes, brownies & muffins from the Gluten-Free Vegan Baker!  All ingredients are 100% gluten-free vegan.  All food products are prepared, cooked & stored in a 100% gluten-free vegan environment.

 For food ideas, healthy recipes and everything & anything else in between:
Contact the Gluten-Free Vegan Baker @
The Gluten-Free Vegan Baker is based in Malaysia.