Monday, January 01, 2018

Gluten-Free Vegan 101 - Gluten-Free Vegan Baking 101 (Malaysia)

Gluten-Free Vegan 101 (Malaysia)

A well-crafted gluten-free vegan diet begins with a well-stocked gluten-free vegan pantry.  This is one of the important elements of gluten-free vegan baking.  A well-stocked pantry leads to a well-prepared cook & baker who is ready to make & serve the most nutritious foods that everyone can eat & enjoy.  This is Gluten-Free Vegan 101!

If you are a novice baker eager to embark on a journey to gluten-free vegan baking, here are 5 essential ingredients your gluten-free vegan pantry should have:
-Gluten-free flours (e.g. Bob's Red Mill*, Orgran*)
-Non-dairy milk (e.g. soy milk, rice milk, coconut milk, nut milks, etc.)
-Vegan butter (e.g. Nuttelex*)
-Organic sweetener (e.g. raw cane sugar, coconut sugar, maple syrup, agave nectar, rice syrup, etc.)
-Egg replacer (e.g. Orgran*)
*available in Malaysia (You can customize your own gluten-free flours by combining 2 or more flours.) 

With lack of knowledge & the baking essentials, gluten-free vegan baking can be a daunting task.  These 5 ingredients should & will make your gluten-free vegan baking endeavor much easier.  There are also a number of naturally gluten-free vegan products in the market such as coconut flour, coconut oil, coconut milk, coconut sugar, etc.  These naturally gluten-free vegan ingredients & the 5 basic ingredients above make all the difference in taste & texture of your gluten-free vegan baked goods like gluten-free vegan cakes, cupcakes, brownies, muffins, bread, cookies, pies, etc.  Don't forget to include them & other products to your pantry as you grow in knowledge & skills.  Try using gluten-free vegan products that are certified gluten-free vegan for the sake of your health.  There are companies that have been producing gluten-free & vegan products for decades & their work is crucial to bakers & cooks everywhere.  Their expertise reduces wastage of money, time & energy.  Start baking & experimenting with gluten-free & vegan ingredients.  You will learn a lot about how baking works & gain a better perspective about food & health.

Go out & venture into food markets & see what gluten-free vegan ingredients you can add to your own pantry.  A bountiful pantry makes preparing & enjoying healthy meals a hearty & flavorful experience.

The Gluten-Free Vegan Baker is based in Malaysia.
Post all inquiries and comments in this blog.
For confidential matters or anything else, 
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Gluten-Free Vegan 101 - Happy Gluten-Free Vegan New Year (Malaysia)

Gluten-Free Vegan 101 (Malaysia)

Happy Gluten-Free Vegan New Year to all gluten-free vegans in Malaysia & beyond!

2017 is over... 2018 is here!
This year is the best time to be gluten-free vegan particularly in Malaysia.
There is a growing awareness of the gluten-free vegan lifestyle that it is becoming a bit easier to find healthy products especially the gluten-free vegan variety almost everywhere.  Furthermore, there are a lot of helpful resources online for new gluten-free vegans.

Life is about to get better.
Everyone deserves to have healthier lives.
Start a new journey to better nutrition & healthier eating.
Make a change in your life & in the world.

The Gluten-Free Vegan Baker is based in Malaysia.
Post all inquiries and comments in this blog.
For confidential matters or anything else, 
  send email to