Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Gluten-Free Vegan 101 - D.I.Y & Gluten-Free Veganize (Malaysia)

Start the year with a simple do-it-yourself project... in this case, a challenge!
How about trying a gluten-free vegan plant-based product once a month for a year?  It could be any plant-based product from gluten-free vegan milk to gluten-free vegan meat.  There is now an assorted variety of local and imported plant-based products available commercially so the choices are interestingly diverse... from ingredients to nutritional content to prices as well as their impact on the environment.  So choose wisely.  It is a stepping stone to supporting your own health & well-being & a promising start to your journey to better health.  Life is too short... so explore and try anything! 

The Gluten-Free Vegan Baker Malaysia
(also known as The Vegan Vuddha) 
is based in Malaysia. 
Post all inquiries and comments in this blog.  
For confidential matters and anything else, 
send email to  

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