Monday, January 01, 2018

Gluten-Free Vegan 101 - Happy Gluten-Free Vegan New Year (Malaysia)

Gluten-Free Vegan 101 (Malaysia)

Happy Gluten-Free Vegan New Year to all gluten-free vegans in Malaysia & beyond!

2017 is over... 2018 is here!
This year is the best time to be gluten-free vegan particularly in Malaysia.
There is a growing awareness of the gluten-free vegan lifestyle that it is becoming a bit easier to find healthy products especially the gluten-free vegan variety almost everywhere.  Furthermore, there are a lot of helpful resources online for new gluten-free vegans.

Life is about to get better.
Everyone deserves to have healthier lives.
Start a new journey to better nutrition & healthier eating.
Make a change in your life & in the world.

The Gluten-Free Vegan Baker is based in Malaysia.
Post all inquiries and comments in this blog.
For confidential matters or anything else, 
  send email to

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